Get Help

Distance and Online Learning provides support to students, faculty and staff with their online and remote courses.

If you are experiencing problems accessing or using D2L Brightspace, be sure to check the Brightspace FAQ page. Additionally, the Support and Tutorials tab in Brightspace provides tutorials on many common tasks.

NOTE: Students with course content related questions (i.e. assignment or test questions, grading policy, deadlines, etc.) should contact their instructor.

On-Campus Help Desk

The Distance and Online Learning Help Desk is available during the following times:

  • Regular Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
  • Summer 2024 Hours (May 20 - July 26): Monday – Thursday, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.; Friday, Closed

You can contact the help desk any of the following ways:

  • Send an email to
  • Call (518) 629-7070
  • Stop by our office in Bulmer Telecommunications Center, Room 1042

Note: The help desk is closed when the college is closed for breaks, check the academic calendar for dates. We will also be closed if the college is closed unexpectedly, including for inclement weather.

Appointments Available for Faculty:  During these appointments, we can give you undivided attention and help you with online course development, reformatting course materials, learning new functions in Brightspace, developing multimedia, Web 2.0 technologies, and more. We also offer various group trainings and workshops throughout each semester. Call or email us for an appointment.

SUNY Online Support Services Help Desk

The SUNY Online Support Services Help Desk provides primary support for D2L Brightspace sites for more than half of the 64 SUNY colleges and universities across New York State. Current students, faculty, and campus staff may contact the SUNY Online Support Services Help Desk for any questions specifically related to online courses.

  • Monday - Friday: 7 a.m. - Midnight
  • Saturday: 10 a.m. - 8 p.m.
  • Sunday: 10 a.m. - 9 p.m.

NOTE: Knowledge Base articles and other self-service options are available 24/7

Call (518) 320-1300 or 1-844-673-6786, or go to to submit a help ticket, access Knowledge Base articles or live chat during business hours.